Todays House Wife

About Me

my girls

Where do I even begin? To start – My name is Elizabeth. I wish I had some juicy back story for you to read so my “coolness factor” would go up, but I’m just a Mom of two beautiful girls and a wife of a hard working men. To be honest, I used to be pretty hip, but when my friends started to yawn every time I showed them pictures of my children, I knew my social status was declining. Most of my friends were single – so I guess I couldn’t expect them to jump up with excitement when I showed them the new potty seat I bought for my little girl, or the “art show”  my daughters painted for me at school for Mother’s Day. See, I live for my kids. It’s a blessing and a curse. In one breath, I enjoy watching cooking shows that teach me how to make dinners that look like my girls favorite cartoon characters so that maybe, just maybe – my kids will eat healthier foods. Yet, on the other hand, I miss time with my girlfriends. I miss feeling like Liz, the WOMAN. Now, I am Lis, the MOM. I have weekly subscriptions to parenting emails that end up making me feel like I’m doing everything wrong. The images in the email are always of a few women laughing with their children in some playgroup, which I have yet to find. I, admittedly, have let myself go a bit. Pushing 215 pounds at 5’6” is hardly the criteria for a Playboy Bunny. I have blue eyes – does that count?

Along my motherhood journey, I have become obsessed with self-improvement. I realized I have lost myself in being a Mom and have decided that settling is not the best idea, at least not for me. So, while I’m cleaning the house (something I tend to do when I am angry or stressed), you might hear some motivational videos going on in the background or an audio book from some guru’s out there about how to improve your life, hot sell yourself to others, how to have success in life.. What can I say? I’m a multi-tasker.  I am trying to expand my circle of friends so that I am not stuck talking about sitcoms as if they are real people in my life.

I miss feeling sexy. I miss walking by the mirror without cringing. The crazy nights with my husband with the lights ON are a thing of the past. Clearly, I am not getting any younger so I have made a commitment to stop feeling bad for myself and get into action and this blog is going to keep me honest and on track. I will talk about my new read, a new recipe that I found and tried, some new places I heard of, some new people I met and influenced my life.

So let the self-improvement begin….

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