Todays House Wife

Healthy eating vs weight loss pills

          When I was a teenager, I had athlete- size body. Compliments from my friends, both boys and girls always made me laugh shyly even though these compliments played a nice tune in my heart as well as my esteem.
But today, you will see me wearing a very serious look on my face most of the time. This doesn’t mean that I am upset with you. No! I am upset with my body size and weight contrary to my feelings before I got married almost ten years ago.
Now, a mother of two kids aged two and seven years, I can’t walk with my head high as I did in those days. I would like to lose weight, but I am not comfortable with the weight losing programs that my friend Sarah follows or even trying the weight loss pills. I am actually extremely against the use of pills to achieve my desire of shedding off some few pounds.
I prefer healthy eating tips and believes that, even though I am struggling to see my dream come true, a healthy eating habit will do me some good.I am just not ready to use weight loss medication

      My friend, Sarah advised me to join her weight loss plan or hire a weight loss coach like she does since I am not ready to use weight loss medication.       But, I always wonder why I cannot achieve my goal through natural ways or weight loss healthy eating. Well, one would say that I am too proud to try new ideas or that I am too busy taking care of my kids to find time to manage my own body weight, but that is just an opinion that goes without saying. Or do I really know what is healthy eating?

     Do weight pills work?

  If you take a look at my case, you will probably offer me a suggestion such as trying diet pills or weight loss pills, but don’t be surprised if I ask you, “do weight pills work?” I wouldn’t stand the mentioning of those pills anymore. If you have heard the FDAs talk about the diet pills and their safety, you will realize that they don’t monitor and test the popular over the counter medication nor do they have any evidence of the effectiveness of these medications.     Sometimes back, FDA approved the sale of Alli over the counter but they still would advise you to try other methods of weight loss rather than use pills.     Everybody, of course, has heard or witnessed some of the side effects linked to such medications.
Perhaps I am very keen on the sentiments of FDA since I always advocate for healthy eating with kids and steer clear from the weight loss medicine. I am sure that almost all pills that are sold over the counter contain caffeine as the fundamental ingredient and tend to have effects similar to those of coffee or tea. I think, or rather believe that a person can suffer from severe effects or even allergic reactions as a result of the ingredients contained in the weight loss pills.

       Individuals with overweight issues like me, more often than not, do have discipline problems as far as their calories intake is concerned. Some suffer from the overeating disorder that would otherwise be avoided. As such, they may not get any benefit from the pills since they cannot change their metabolism or behaviors. This implies that such individuals continue to put on weight and perhaps give up. Besides, some over the counter pills promise them that they shall get rid off some pounds even with their ignorance to healthy eating advice, but this is something that rarely happens. In fact, with all due respect this kind of plan won’t bear any fruits.

      Sarah, my friend I was telling you about, understands that some people like me, consider some weight loss programs and take in fewer calories with or without the good weight loss pills. We seem to agree that the failure to lower one’s calories intake cannot be substituted with so called pills miracle. They insist that the use of such medication should follow a physician’s consultation and not the advice from strangers.

      Some diet tricks can help!

  I believe that keeping off the pounds is not an easy or quick procedure, but nothing will work out if I don’t think out of the box. For instance, some diet tricks can help me in a very big way and, in fact, involves some of my favorite foods. What if I tried consuming a lot of fibers, proteins, and healthy carbs? Such a diet trick would boost my metabolism and keep me feeling full the whole day. In fact, that is one of the best tips for healthy eating.

  I have tried healthy eating menus, but I wasn’t sure how to include the calorie burning ingredients in my daily menu. Perhaps too many times I trying to skip my breakfast not knowing that having healthy breakfast can help me control my body weight. Some individuals skip their breakfast thinking that this routine shall help them achieve their weight loss goals, but skipping meals does not really help and is not recommended since they can have deficiency in the essential nutrients. Also, it would encourage such individuals to eat more snacks during the day as they feel hungry.

Over the ears, I learned to follow healthy eating at home tips from nutrition experts, as I am not eating out a lot. I hate people staring at me when my kids have a moment of craziness

  First of all Eat regular meals!
Eating regular meals in the course of the day assists in the burning of calories. In fact, it hastens the rate of calories break down and helps reduce one’s temptation to eat a snack that may contain high levels of sugar and fat.

  Second of all consume plenty of vegetables and fruits
Vegetables and fruits have got low fat and calories content and are rich in fiber. Also, they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins.
These are my only rules I will respect in my weight loss journey. Not skipping meals, eating quality food and exercise. I will keep you posted on my progress.

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